الفكرة ذكرى / A thought is a memory
Curated by Noel Maghathe
With works by Zeinab Saab, Kiki Salem, Nailah Taman, Zeina Zeitoun
Money Has No Smell
Curated by ACOMPI
With works by Ignacio Gatica, Mariana Parisca, Gabriella Torres-Ferrer
In Longing
Curated by Anna Cahn
With works by Alison Chen, Shawne Michaelain Holloway, Marie Ségolène, Raymond Pinto, Xirin
Even there, there are stars
Curated by Allie/A.L. Rickard
With works by Chitra Ganesh, Amaryllis DeJesus Moleski, Emily Oliveira, Tuesday Smillie
Formula 1: A Loud, Low Hum
Curated by by Mira Dayal and Simon Wu
With works by Nikita Gale, Laurie Kang, Amanda Turner Pohan
Original Language
Curated by Natasha Marie Llorens
With works by Wilder Alison, Alexandra Bell, Al Freeman, Ariel Jackson, Shellyne Rodriguez, Leah Weinberg-Moskowitz
The Visible Hand
Curated by David Borgonjon
With works by Chloë Bass, BFAMFAPhD, Maureen Connor, Devin Kenny, Jen Liu
Radical Plastic
Curated by Rachel Reese
With works by Becca Albee, Carolyn Carr, Catherine Czacki, Rachel Debuque, Carson Fisk-Vittori, Michelle Grabner, Mia Goyette, Ria Roberts, Carolyn Salas
Country, Home
Curated by Kayleigh Bryant-Greenwell
With works by Golnar Adili, Adela Andea, Michael Borek, chukwumaa, Elnaz Javani, Alejandra Regalado, Jerry Truong, Rodrigo Valenzuela