Ellen Zweig
Curated by Eleanor Antin
October 26 – December 2, 2006



Ellen Zweig is an artist who works with video, audio, installation and performance. Her most recent work is the video series, HEAP. As an installation, HEAP (Shanghai version), was at DDM Warehouse, Shanghai, China, from April 8-28, 2006. The video series, HEAP, has screened at Millennium Film Archives, New York; and at Electromediascope (The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City). Parts of the series have been shown at international film festivals including: (tongue tongue stone) G. W. Leibnitz at the International Film Festival Rotterdam (world premiere, 2003), (The Chinese Room) John Searle at Viper Basel (world premiere, 2003.) Three sections of HEAP were shown at the Thailand New Media Art Festival, 2004. (unsolved) Robert van Gulik screened at the Athens International Film & Video Festival, 2005. a surplus of landscape screened at the New York Video Festival, 2005 and at Images Contre Nature International Festival of Experimental Video, Marseilles, 2006; and many others. Zweig is also working on a related series about her father. The first in the series, precarious, screened at the San Francisco Art Institute International Film and Video Festival, 2005, as well as at the Thailand New Media Art Festival, 2005 and Images Contre Nature International Festival of Experimental, Marseilles, 2004.


In her previous installations, Zweig has used optics to create camera obscuras, video projection devices, and miniature projected illusions. She has also created multi-channel video installations that have toured the US. Among the solo projects are the following: She Traveled for the Landscape (New Music America, Houston, 1986); A Barrel of Her Own Design (Artpark, Lewiston, New York, 1988); Such Ruins Give the Mind a Sense of Sadness (permanent installation, Exploratorium, San Francisco, 1989); The Invisible Woman… (P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, New York, 1993); Botanizing on the Asphalt, (Art in General, New York, 1993); Hubert’s Lure, (42nd St. Art Project, Creative Time, New York, 1994); Critical Mass (jointly with Meridel Rubinstein: Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, 1994; List Visual Arts Center, MIT, 1995; Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, 1997) among others. In the 1980s, she toured the U.S, Europe and Australia with a series of performances, including the ones at the Institute of Modern Art (Brisbane, 1982); Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris, 1984); San Francisco Art Institute (San Francisco, 1984); Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (Melbourne, 1986); The Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, 1986); Festival de la Batie (Geneva, 1990); Whitney Museum of American Art (New York, 1991) and others. Zweig was an Artist in Residence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she created a performance on the Internet in 2000. 



YOUNG ART CRITICS: Corina Larkin on Ellen Zweig